B.Sc. Environmental Sciences, Environmental Hydrology and Water Resources
The students of the B.Sc. major in environmental science deal with real environmental systems:
Water, soil, air, forest, landscape and the man-made environment. The course conveys the scientific basics (chemistry, physics, biology) and the ability to understand and analyze the processes occurring in the environment. In addition, students are prepared to include the interactions between nature and society in problem solving.
Education is interdisciplinary, providing a solid understanding of how the natural environment works. The entire degree program is closely related to practice: numerous excursions and field exercises are just as much part of the program as laboratory internships or guest contributions from professional practice.
This is a possible specialization in the courseintegrated minor in environmental hydrology and water resources. All details regarding the modules and content can be found on this website.
Extreme events, water quality, as well as water scarcity and sustainable water use are important issues that are already very relevant today and will become even more important in the future.
The specialization Environmental Hydrology and Water Resources focuses on the following content and addresses it in a scientific context:
- Hydrology is the science of water - one of the most important foundations of life for humans and nature.
- Population growth, climate and land use change are massively changing the availability, distribution and quality of water.
- Hydrological extremes - processes and development of sustainable adaptation options to cope with increasingly frequent and intense drought, heavy rain and flood events
- Water quality - Detailed understanding of the quality of water resources and bodies of water in order to ensure this over the long term under increasing usage requirements
- Biodiversity - Recording and restoring the ecological structures and processes for a multifunctional water biodiversity
- Identify relevant water infrastructure and optimize its connected management to ensure its long-term performance
The specialization Environmental Hydrology and Water Resources in the B.Sc. Environmental Sciences prepares perfectly for the Master's degree in Hydrologyat the University of Freiburg. It offers all the necessary prerequisites to then switch directly to the master's degree.
Further information
Online study choice assistant environmental hydrology and water resources
Online teaching: B.Sc. "Environmental Sciences"
Bachelor thesis
On ILIAS: Current Theses and informations
- In the menu ‘Current Topics’ you can find current theses in “Hydrology” and “Environmental Hydrological Systems”
- In the menu ‘Resources’ is a work manual
Förderverein Hydrologie e.V. at the Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg i.Br.
First-year students and students who are already students can apply for a scholarship. Each year, one scholarship is awarded for students of the master's degree in hydrology and one scholarship for students of the bachelor's degree in environmental sciences with a minor in environmental hydrology.
More information about the B.Sc Environmental Science is available on the forest and environmental sciences homepage . The minor “Environmental Hydrology” can be declared at the beginning of the B.Sc program for those interested in the field of hydrology.
Course of study